There’s over 10,000 diets and books about wellness in Barnes and Noble. Countless others on Amazon.
If what you are doing is not working for you, then you just need to find out what does.
There may be some choices that you haven’t tried yet. Or some style that you haven’t been able to stay with.
No ONE diet works for everyone. One person’s medicine can be another person’s poison.
We will discover “your diet”together by identifying and using the best foods, supplements, seasonings and activities for you.
We will customize your program by identifying:
- How many meals per day works best for you.
- Meal schedules.
- Scheduling exercise,
- Best supplements
- Fighting cravings
- Energizing your day
- Igniting your metabolism
- Rest and recuperation
- And more…..
Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, confidence and maximum energy every day?
Start by going to the “connect and contact” tab. Press Health forms and fill out. Upload and send to me your completed health history. If you have trouble or questions contact me at .The more time you spend on this the more information I will have to help customize a plan for you.